Photo Gallery

Such a special way to make your wedding ceremony extra special 🥰#sydneycelebrant #weddingmusicians @cadenastrings ...

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Roji and Pietro celebrated their intimate wedding in my secret garden with their close friends. In the coming months they will travel to Nepal and Italy to celebrate with family😍
#gardenwedding #randwickwedding #sydneywedding #intimatewedding #michaeljanzcelebrant #sydneycelebrant

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Congratulations to Danielle and Brendan who celebrated their wedding day with the Sydney Harbour as their stunning backdrop🥰
#weddingsnsw #wedlockers#sydneycelebrant #weddingceremony #bride #groom #weddingawards #harboursidewedding #sydneywedding #michaeljanzcelebrant #marriagecelebrant #marriagecelebrants #marriageceremony #weddingceremony #vows #marriage #ceremony
@EventsTaronga  #eventstaronga

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A very happy 3rd anniversary to Kaitlyn and Jackson … time flies🥰💕😍
#wedlockers#sydneycelebrant #weddingceremony #bride #groom #weddingawards #hinterlandwedding #michaeljanzcelebrant #marriagecelebrant #marriagecelebrants #marriageceremony #weddingceremony #vows #marriage #ceremony #weddingsnsw

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Radu and Estefania shared their wedding with close friends in a cosy private dining room. Such a great idea as a prelude to celebrating with their families overseas🥰
#weddingsnsw #wedlockers#sydneycelebrant #weddingceremony #bride #groom #weddingawards #intimatewedding #sydneywedding #michaeljanzcelebrant #marriagecelebrant #marriagecelebrants #marriageceremony #weddingceremony

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The heavy rain cleared as guests started to arrive for Kyah and Fernan’s wonderful wedding 🥰
#weddingsnsw #wedlockers#sydneycelebrant #weddingceremony #bride #groom #weddingawards #sydneywedding #michaeljanzcelebrant #marriagecelebrant #marriagecelebrants #marriageceremony #weddingceremony #vows #marriage #ceremony

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Over the past months I’ve been becoming reticent about posting my wedding pics due to the spamming and irresponsible behaviour of our social media vehicles… Any suggestions dealing with these issues? ...

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