Naming Ceremony

Naming Ceremony

A Naming Ceremony is a great way to celebrate and introduce your new little one to their family and the world.

A baby naming ceremony is like a christening without the church. It can help anywhere you like … at home, in a park etc.

Just like a christening, you can choose to have godparents/guardians and let them be a special part of this wonderful ceremony.

Call me on 044114 20918 or you can click here to book an initial introductory Zoom meeting so we can discuss more about what we can do to make your naming day a truly wonderful event.

Total cost is $750 which includes:

  • Initial meeting
  • Draft ceremony (after initial meeting) and subsequent amendments
  • Conducting ceremony on the day
  • Use of PA/Recorded Music on ceremony day
  • A personal copy of ceremony
  • A ceremony certificate

Unlimited communication in the planning/lead-up to the ceremony.Here’s what a very couple of parents had to say about their special ceremony:

This ceremony can take any format that you choose. It can be a simple welcome to the world, a formal naming of your child, or a blessing for your baby and family. It is also a time for you to make certain promises and commitments to your child, and for other important people in your child’s life to give well wishes, and pledge their support.

We chose to have gratitude as the theme for our ceremony – being thankful for the blessing of our boys, and also the friends and family that surround us. The readings throughout our ceremony reflected this, and we also included lots of our family and close friends in the service itself.

The ceremony lasts about 20 – 30 minutes on average and is held by a celebrant or organised by the parents. We chose to hire a celebrant to lead the ceremony for us – and it was a great decision. He had held lots of naming ceremonies before so had lots of ideas and suggestions for us, and also knew how to organise the special activities we wanted to include in our service. He also provided beautiful commemorative certificates for the boys and the supporting adults in the ceremony – which gave a lovely sense of officialdom to the day. A celebrant can cost anywhere between $300-$800 for the planning and ceremony itself – and is definitely money well spent.

Baby naming days are not just for babies either! A lot of people choose to combine a ceremony with a child’s first birthday, but children of any age can have a naming celebration. We combined our boys’ day, and they were one and three years old at the time. Generally, a celebrant won’t charge extra for multiple children being involved in the ceremony so it’s lovely to have a joint celebration.”